Category Archive : Tips & Tricks

Upscale An Image Without Compromising Quality

The quality of a picture is critical in the age of high-definition digital media. You don’t want to compromise with quality when working on a website design, preparing an image for printing, or just attempting to improve a treasured personal shot. But what if you need to magnify an image? This frequently results in a […]

WordPress Block Editor Issues and Solutions

In 2019, WordPress introduced a brand-new content editor called Gutenberg to replace the outdated classic editor. Blocks are used in this new WordPress editor to generate content. Yet, occasionally you could experience bothersome problems with it. To help you streamline your workflow, we’ll explain how to fix the most basic WordPress block editor issues in […]

How To Limit Or Disable The WordPress Automatic Trash Emptying

When you delete content in WordPress, it typically goes into a “trash” folder rather than being permanently deleted. This allows you to recover accidentally deleted content or change your mind about deleting something. However, WordPress automatically empties the trash folder after a certain amount of time (by default, 30 days), which means that any content […]

How To Add Box Shadow In WordPress

A reader asked if there is a simple way to add box shadows to their WordPress website. Box shadows can be used to highlight important content and make flat designs more visually appealing. Here are the steps to add box shadows in WordPress. Why Do You Need Box Shadows in WordPress? Box shadows are a […]

How To Install A PDF Reader In WordPress

WordPress does not come with a built-in PDF reader, which means visitors to your website may need to download a PDF before they can view it. However, with the help of plugins, you can easily add a PDF reader to your WordPress website. Using PDF files on your website can be an effective way to […]

How To Enable Dark Mode On Your WordPress Website

Do you wish to enable dark mode feature on your WordPress website? By adding a dark mode to WordPress, your website will dynamically change based on the browser settings of the visitor. You may also include a dark mode toggle on your site, allowing users to simply convert between dark and light modes. What is […]