Being Novelist, Freelancers or Bloggers need strong writing skills. Whether your goal is to become a bestseller author or to be a publisher in magazines, writing skills are very important.
Writing is an art, in which you always need to consider yourself as a trainee. No one can master this art. According to the Nobel price winning American writer Ernest Hemmingway that no one can achieve perfection in this but can improve it with constant practice, learning and hard work. At present time more number of people want to say something and the internet has become the megaphone for everyone. It is difficult to hear everyone’s voice. Here it will be important that what you write is must be effective in every aspect.
Some tips related to writing
Along with writing learn some basics of grammar and spellings. Make the practice of writing daily so there will be a continuity in new ideas. Join a workshop, Meetup, or writing classes. For interesting storytelling include inspiring stories, proverbs from popular biographies.
How to become a skilled writer
Only 2000 copies of 90% of books are sold in the country in a year. This skill can be learned by meeting with experienced writers in tips can be taken from them, One can also learn this art through online courses. Online courses have grown by leaps and bound in the few last days. Apart from Coursera, Eudemi, and Edex, you can learn from universities like Haward, Stanford, and MIT.
Not as a reader, practice reading like a writer
Stephen King says in his book that if you don’t have time to read, you will not have the time and tools to write. So always keep a book with you. when you read, read like a writer and observe what is effective and why. Similarly, while watching tv shows and movies also assess that what was liked in his writing and what didn’t.
Always choose smart content
You need to do it everything in a smart way, whether you’ve already chosen the topic you’re writing about, or still deciding on what you want to write. It means, it’s not enough to just write about what interests you or what you like. Your content should be according to the demand of your targeted audience. It is almost like the greatest rule of business, the demand and supply. You have to provide the information which is required by the people not just what you want to provide. The easiest way to this is, just compare your content with your potential competitors and see what they’re writing about.
Join the writer’s group and also find related communities

Join with writers who are of the same level as you. Share feedback on each other work with them. These groups not only help you to be disciplined but also provide you some helpful notes, writing tips, and edits. From published and professional writers you can learn about the business, aspects of writing, the publishing industry, and self-publishing.
Showcase your work to get noticed
It is one of the most important part to consider. You need a nice looking website to show your work and skills. Website is a place where people can see the sample of your writing skills. Customer can reach you very easily through your website which could be beneficial for you to get more leads. Your website must be attractive and easy to navigate. You can get an idea from your potential competitors from the same industry. Pay attention to their website and work style. Not just website design, you can even get idea about their quality of service. You don’t need to worry if you can not create a website at your own, there are so many web designing and development companies online. Hire a company or any professional to get your work done.
Get popular on social media
Modern people spend their most of the time on social media, posting new content and liking each other’s, scrolling latest feeds etc. You must be there too with your talent. Most of people handle their own social media accounts but if you don’t have time then make sure you have a professional social media specialists to run your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts for your business. You just need to pay attention to the way they communicate with existing customers and page visitors, how they attract new ones, and whether they are fast enough in giving replies to the people’s requests.