Category Archive : Developer

How To Load JS And CSS Into WordPress

Loading JavaScript JS and CSS into WordPress involves using the appropriate hooks and functions to ensure the scripts and styles are properly enqueued and loaded on the front end or admin area. If CSS and JavaScript are not loaded properly in WordPress, several issues can arise, impacting the functionality and appearance of your website. Below […]

The Rise Of Artificial Intelligence On Web Development

What is AI ? The ability of a computer to perform tasks that previously required human intelligence was initially referred to as “artificial intelligence” (AI) in the 1950s. Years of research and technological advancement have changed this extremely broad term.  The replication of human intelligence in robots designed to carry out tasks that normally require human intelligence is known as artificial […]

The Role of Quality Assurance in WordPress Development

Quality Assurance (QA) is vital in WordPress development, ensuring websites function correctly, perform efficiently, and provide a seamless user experience. QA involves various testing processes to identify and rectify issues before a website goes live, preventing potential problems and enhancing the site’s reliability and performance. For instance, a leading WordPress agency, Web Help Agency excels […]

White Label Web Development Services

White-label web development services are a game-changer for agencies looking to level up their web development game without breaking the bank or stretching their resources too thin. Imagine offering top-notch websites to your clients without worrying about hiring an in-house team or spending countless hours on development tasks. That’s the beauty of white-label services – […]

Nextjs vs React

React was the most popular choice for developers until other frameworks entered the scene. As a developer, it might take a lot of time to decide which framework would be ideal for your project, making it an overwhelming process for you. However, with new technological evolutions, the choices are bound to be shifting. Talking about […]

Agile Vs DevOps

Find out the distinctions and parallels between the software development and project management approaches used by DevOps and Agile. DevOps and Agile are two distinct but complementary approaches in software development that aim to improve collaboration, efficiency, and the overall delivery of high-quality software. While they share some common principles, they focus on different aspects […]

Key DevSecOps Guidelines

DevSecOps is a framework that combines development (Dev), IT operations (Ops), and security (Sec) processes into a unified, streamlined process. By embracing this approach, DevSecOps teams can ensure that security is seamlessly integrated into the software development lifecycle. This helps to ensure that software is built, deployed, and maintained with a “security-first” mindset. In this […]

How to upgrade PHP 7 to PHP 8

Many beginner users face these common issues on the server while upgrading the web development environment for its applications. And 80% of users failed while upgrading this requirement because third-party blogs and tutorials do not cover every error, rollback, and troubleshooting method. In this article, we will go through the steps to upgrade PHP 7.x […]

What is PHP How It Works

PHP is a programming and scripting language used to build dynamic interactive websites. WordPress is written in PHP, a scripting language. PHP is also an open-source language. PHP is a server-side programming language, so it runs on your web server. A visitor’s browser contacts your server to request a page from your website. An HTML […]

How To Choose A Perfect Penetration Testing Partner

Penetration testing must be performed on a regular basis to ensure that the pen tester is up to date on current security products and practices. Pen tests may also be used as a check after making changes and upgrades to your network, such as adding users and installing software. This emphasizes the need for penetration […]