WordPress Guest Posting: How to Get, Manage, and Earn?

Tips & Tricks, WordPress

WordPress Guest Posting: How to Get, Manage, and Earn?

WordPress Guest Posting

You’ve probably authored a few guest blogs yourself. But have you thought about accepting them on your own site?

What is guest posting?

Guest posting is a digital marketing strategy in which a business or individual writes an article or blog post that is published on another website or blog. The purpose of guest posting is to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to a website, and establish the author as a thought leader in their industry. In exchange for the guest post, the author may be allowed to include a link back to their own website, which can help to improve their search engine rankings. Additionally, guest posting can help to build relationships with other businesses and individuals in the industry, which can lead to further opportunities for collaboration or partnership.

There is a high demand for guest posting. According to a recent poll, 43% of contributors make between 11 and 100 guest post proposals each month, with 7% making more. There are several options for you to take advantage of.

Number of Guest posting pitches per month

Before we go into how to set up and earn money from WordPress guest posting, let’s take a closer look at why you should.

Why Do You Allow Guest Post Submissions on Your Website?

Many websites and blogs allow guest post submissions for various reasons such as:

  1. Fresh content: Allowing guest posts can help to keep a website or blog fresh with new and diverse content, which can help to attract new readers and keep existing readers engaged.
  2. Increased visibility: Guest posts can help to increase visibility for the website or blog, as well as the guest poster. This is because the guest post is often shared on the guest poster’s own social media platforms and website, which can drive more traffic to the host website.
  3. Networking and collaboration: Allowing guest posts can help to build relationships with other businesses and individuals in the industry, which can lead to further opportunities for collaboration or partnership.
  4. Search engine optimization: Guest posts can help to improve a website’s search engine rankings. This is because guest posts often include a link back to the guest poster’s own website, which can help to improve the search engine rankings for both the guest poster’s website and the host website.
  5. Enhancing the reputation: Guest posting can help website/blog to enhance their reputation as a credible source of information, as it will showcase their ability to attract renowned authors and bloggers in their field.

Contributing Authors Can Teach Us

Accepting guest articles on your website provides you with access to a diverse selection of writers with varying writing styles. Paying attention to high-performing guest articles allows you to examine their writing style in order to enhance your own writing talents and reader engagement on your site.

Not only can you utilize guest articles to improve your writing abilities, but you can also gain from the wisdom of other authors. Many will be specialists in their domains and will write guest pieces that will both inform your own work and bring value to your audience.

Extending Your Reach to New Audiences

Accepting guest articles might bring in a flood of new readers due to the advertising efforts of your guest writers. They will ensure that the link to their article is shared across all of their marketing platforms, expanding the reach of your post and sending prospective new subscribers directly to your website.

To Assist in the Development of Your Online Presence

The more high-quality blog entries and backlinks you have, the higher your website will rank on Google’s search engine results page (SERP). This is crucial if you want to increase your visibility, impressions, and click-through rate (CTR).

Backlink chances provided by guest articles are another technique to boost your presence. Many authors will link to their own content, which will help you rank better in search engines.

To put it another way, moving up from third to second place on Google’s SERP increases your CTR by 43%. Going from second to the first position is a 74% improvement.

Increase in expected CTR after guest posting

To Publish a New Article Without Working Out

Our devoted followers deserve consistency. However, adhering to a rigorous blogging schedule when there is so much to do can be challenging for even the most disciplined of us!

Guest posting is a win-win situation. You get more time to focus on other business operations while still providing fresh material to your audience.

How to Find Guest Bloggers for Your Blog

It’s easy to understand why WordPress guest posting is such a powerful content strategy. However, before you get started with your guest blogging program, you need to understand how to recruit guest writers to your site.

  1. Look within your own network: The easiest place to find guest bloggers is within your own network. Reach out to colleagues, friends, or industry contacts who may be interested in contributing to your blog.
  2. Use social media: Utilize social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn to search for potential guest bloggers. Look for individuals who are active in your industry and are known for their expertise.
  3. Search for blogs in your niche: Look for blogs in your niche and see if they have guest bloggers. Reach out to these bloggers and ask if they would be interested in guest blogging on your site.
  4. Use online communities: Join online communities such as forums or groups on LinkedIn or Facebook that are relevant to your niche. Look for individuals who are active in these communities and are known for their expertise.
  5. Attend industry events: Attend industry events and conferences to meet potential guest bloggers in person.
  6. Reach out to influencers: Identify influencers in your niche and reach out to them to see if they would be interested in guest blogging on your site.
  7. Utilize guest blogging platforms: There are various guest blogging platforms such as MyBlogGuest, BloggerLinkUp, and BloggerLinkUp that connect bloggers with potential guest bloggers.
  8. Be prepared to offer something in return: Many bloggers will be more likely to guest blog on your site if you offer something in return, such as a link back to their own site or a byline.
  9. Be selective: It’s important to be selective when choosing guest bloggers. Look for individuals who have a strong track record of producing high-quality content and who have a large following.
  10. Be clear about your expectations: Be clear about your expectations for guest bloggers, including the length of the post, the topic, and the format of the post.

By following these steps, you can find high-quality guest bloggers for your blog and expand your readership. Guest blogging can also help to establish you as a thought leader in your industry, increase visibility for your blog, and enhance your reputation.

Accepting Guest Posts on Your WordPress Site

While there are various ways to allow guest articles on WordPress, the registration form option is very useful. Let’s take a look at how it’s done.

1. Selecting a WordPress Registration Plugin

WP Forms

You should be able to construct custom registration forms on your website using any of the popular WordPress contact form plugins, such as WPForms. Users who register for your site in this manner can create an unlimited number of guest articles without being granted admin access.

2. Install and enable the plugin on your website.

Installing your selected WordPress plugin is a straightforward process. We’ll assume you choose WPForms to help you through it.

From your WordPress dashboard, click Plugins » Add New.

Enter WPForms into the search bar on the plugins page. Install Now should be selected.

WP Forms settings

Locate your license key after installing your plugin and clicking Activate. This may be found in your WPForms account section. After that, navigate to WPForms » Settings and enter your license key.

3. Design a New User Registration Form

It’s now time to design your user signup form. To begin, navigate to WPForms » Add New.

After you’ve given your form a name, you may build it from scratch or use one of the pre-built templates. Because these templates are entirely adjustable, you may still change the labels, sizes, formats, and so on.

The following fields are required for a registration form:

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Username
  • Password

4. Configure Other Form Options and Assign User Roles

It is vital that you give user roles in order to limit registered users’ access and rights.

First, go to Settings » User Registration » Allow User Registration to enable user registration. You may then go down to the User Roles area and modify the role from Subscriber (the default) to Author or Contributor.

Registered users may utilize Author to create, publish, amend, and remove posts. Contributor users can only create and edit material. This is the greatest option since it allows you to screen posts for quality before they go public.

User activation is another form option to enable. You may use either User Email Activation or Manual Activation to prevent spam signups and undesirable people from accessing your website.

5. Make the User Registration Form Available on Your Website

Clicking the Embed button at the top of your form builder page is the easiest method to publish your WPForms registration form. After you’ve titled your page and checked that everything is in order, click Publish.

Publish guest posting button

Always undertake visual regression testing to check that the new plugin hasn’t mistakenly changed the front-end appearance of your website.

6. Examine and Accept Submissions

Congratulations on publishing your registration form, which is receiving a lot of traffic! But, as a precaution, make sure you’ve checked and authorized their registration before allowing them to begin submitting material.

Go to Users » All Users and allow or refuse users as necessary.

This is not the only method for accepting guest articles on your WordPress blog. Read this article on how to accept user-submitted content on WordPress to discover how to develop submission forms, gravity forms, forums, and so on.

2 Ways to Make Money from Guest Posts on Your WordPress Site

Why not monetize guest articles if you have a slew of up-and-coming pros eager to write for your blog? Here’s how you can go about it.

Per Post Payment

If you’re an expert in your field, the pay-per-post model may be right for you. It entails charging writers for their contributions to guest posts. In exchange, you provide them with a high-quality backlink as well as greater visibility throughout your site and marketing channels.

Subscription Model

If you have contributors who want frequent guest-posting employment, the paid membership or subscription model may be a real method to generate money online. You may allow people to add new material to your website for a monthly subscription. Users gain from high-quality backlinks and constant exposure.

To boost conversion possibilities, consider developing a SaaS landing page for your guest-posting membership.

Ways of monetizing your WordPress blog

  1. Sponsored posts: As already discussed, one way to make money from guest posts on your WordPress site is through sponsored posts. This is where a business pays you to write a post about their product or service. The post should be clearly labeled as sponsored and disclose any compensation received.
  2. Affiliate marketing: Another way to make money from guest posts is through affiliate marketing. This is where you include affiliate links within the guest post, and when a reader clicks on the link and makes a purchase, you receive a commission.
  3. Display ads: You can also make money by displaying ads on your WordPress site. You can use a plugin like Google AdSense to display ads on your site, and you’ll earn money each time someone clicks on one of the ads.
  4. Selling products or services: You can also make money by selling products or services through your WordPress site. For example, you could sell e-books, courses, or consulting services.
  5. Sponsored reviews: If you have a blog that reviews products, services or websites, you can make money through sponsored reviews. This is where a company pays you to review their product or service.
  6. Sponsored link building: Some businesses may pay for the opportunity to include a link to their website in a guest post on your site. This can help to improve their search engine rankings, and you can charge a fee for this service.
  7. Sponsored newsletter: You can also make money by including sponsored content in your newsletter. For example, you could include a sponsored post or an advertisement in your newsletter.
  8. Sponsored webinars: You can also earn money by hosting sponsored webinars on your WordPress site. This is where a business pays you to host a webinar that promotes their product or service.

It’s worth noting that you should follow the guidelines set by Google on sponsored content and disclosure. Following those guidelines will help you to avoid penalties and maintain the trust of your readers.

By using these methods, you can monetize your WordPress site and turn your guest posts into a profitable venture. By diversifying your revenue streams, you can increase your earning potential and create a sustainable business model.


WordPress guest posting is an easy approach to reaching new audiences and expanding your reach. With a little SEO competitor research, you may provide keyword and subject ideas to your contributors, filling your website with results-generating material.

It is as simple as creating a registration form to accept guest articles on your website. You may then direct guest posters to your form via a “write for us” or landing page.

Offering monetary incentives, pursuing collaborations, and participating in guest-posting communities are all feasible ways.

Gain enough traction, and your WordPress guest writing program has the potential to be a significant revenue generator. Whatever model you select, make sure you charge a reasonable amount and provide do-follow backlinks in exchange.

Alexia Barlier
Faraz Frank

Hi! I am Faraz Frank. A freelance WordPress developer.