As you know Flickr is images and video hosting services website. You can store your photos as albums while uploading using a Flickr account.
To get Flickr Album ID is easy enough, for this login into your Flickr account: https://identity.flickr.com/login

After login, you will be redirected to your account activity page.

Now, in the top menu, you will see the “You” menu, hover the mouse there a dropdown will appear with the sub-menu option.s Select the third submenu “Albums” by click.

Albums page will open and there you find all albums created in Flickr account. Select an album listed on the page, like we selected our first album “Men & Women“. It will be open on a new page with full details of containing the image.

You can find Your Album ID into an opened page URL like as below screenshot.
The Album URL is: https://www.flickr.com/photos/131865524@N07/albums/72157701447368914
Like “Men & Women” Album ID is: 72157701447368914

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