10 SEO Basics Every Web Developer Should Know

10 SEO Basics Every Web Developer Should Know

Understanding the fundamentals of SEO may go a long way toward achieving effective cooperation and SEO performance. Here’s everything you need to know as a developer.

You are aware of the difficulty… You only need to take care of these four or five tickets, and it will make a huge difference in your SEO goals for the month.

But how can you persuade your web developers to join you?

How do you help them comprehend the importance of your SEO demands when they have so many competing priorities?

I could conduct around 90% of my SEO work for a particular customer myself fifteen years ago.

Those were the days. SEO increasingly relies on content generation, UX, code development, IT, and several layers/levels of approvals, among other things.

In any scenario, gaining web development buy-in and support is crucial for SEO.

It’s much better when developers grasp SEO fundamentals.

It is far more efficient if developers understand the fundamentals and incorporate them into their builds and site upkeep, preventing any rework later.

Check out these 10 SEO essentials for web developers.


Search engines care about website security. Check that you have an SSL installed and that there are no issues. That is where we begin.

In addition, having the required measures in place to guarantee that the site is free of vulnerabilities that might allow for an injection, modified content, and so on.

Hacking at any level degrades user experience and sends out negative signals to users and search engines.

When securing the site using plugins, extensions, or tools, keep site performance in mind (more on that later).

Codes of Response

Server response codes are important.

There are frequent methods to get a website to render for a user, as well as distinctive UX designs, which motivate some inventive dev implementations.

Regardless, ensure that pages are displaying 200 server codes.

Any 3xx or 4xx codes can be sourced and updated. Remove any redirects you don’t need.


Redirects are an important aspect of the website migration and launch process when moving from an old site to a new one.

If you just perform one item in your launch process, make its redirection.

We’re talking about ensuring that all URLs from the previous site redirect to the most appropriate subject matter page on the new site using a 301 redirect.

If you are simplifying and changing content structure, this might be one to one or many to one.

As with the server codes mentioned above, don’t trust a page’s rendering and think it’s fine.

Use tools to ensure that all redirects are 301s.


Nothing counts in SEO unless the site can be indexed and displayed in search results.
Don’t let the robots.txt file fall by the wayside.

Default commands can be overly permissive in some circumstances and too restricted in others.

Understand what’s in the robots.txt file.

Do not send the staging file to production without first double-checking it.

Several sites with excellent migration and launch preparations have been thwarted by a prohibition of all command from staging that was sent to the live site (to prevent the dev site from being indexed).

Consider banning low-value things such as tag pages, comments pages, and any other variants generated by your CMS.

You’ll normally have to examine a lot of low-value garbage, and if you can’t prevent the pages from being generated, at least stop them.


XML sitemaps are our opportunity to guarantee that search engines are aware of all of our pages.

Don’t squander resources and possibilities by allowing photos, irrelevant pages, and items that should not be prioritized for attention and indexing to be prioritized.

Check that all pages specified in XML sitemaps return a 200 server code.

Maintain them by removing 404s, redirects, and anything that isn’t the destination page.


Good URLs are short, feature terms relevant to the page’s content, are in lower case, and contain no letters, spaces, or underscores.

I enjoy seeing URL structures with subfolders and pages that correspond to the content hierarchy in the navigation and site structure.

Three steps down?

After that, type “example.com/level-1/level-2/topical-page.”

Mobile Compatibility

Remember that just because something works or appears well in a browser does not always indicate it is suitable for a search engine.

Search engines value mobile friendliness.

Use Google’s mobile-friendly tool to validate it.

Make certain it passes.

Consider the material presented in the mobile version as well.

Google indexes “mobile-first.”

This indicates that they are seeing the site’s mobile version.

If you’re concealing or not displaying crucial material in the mobile version that you want search engines to evaluate for UX reasons, think carefully and be aware that the content may be absent from what Google views.

Site Performance

This is the eighth item on the list, but it is arguably the most critical after guaranteeing that your site can be indexed.

Site speed is critical.

Slow page loading and sites harm user experience and conversion rates.

They have an effect on SEO performance as well.

There is no single method for optimizing site performance.

It all boils down to keeping your code light, utilizing plugins and extensions sparingly, having an optimized hosting environment, compressing and minifying JS and CSS, and keeping picture sizes under control.

Any code, files, or elements that might cause performance or stability alterations provide a risk.

Include any protections for content management restrictions so that a 10MB picture cannot be uploaded and cause a website to crash. Or a plugin update goes unreported because of how it slows things down.

Ongoing benchmarking, monitoring, and optimization of site performance.

My Lead Developer’s favorite tool in the Google Chrome browser dev tools is the web. dev or Lighthouse.

Tags for Headings

Heading tags provide excellent context signals to search engines.

Remember that they are for text, not CSS shortcuts.

Yes, link your CSS to them, but do it in the order of significance.

Don’t use H5 for the initial, largest page header and H1 for page subheadings.

There has been a lot written on the influence (or lack thereof) of headers on SEO performance.

In this article, I’m not going there.

Just be as exact as possible with the hierarchy and how it’s used.

Use these instead of other CSS if possible.

If possible, limit the number of H1s on a page to one.

Work with your SEO personnel to grasp the general strategy for headers and on-page content.

Dynamic Content and Content Management

As previously said, CMS functionality may derail even the greatest dev implementations.

Take care with the power you grant.

Understand the site’s continuing content plan and requirements so that content writers have the control they desire while not jeopardizing site speed or any of the SEO on-page aspects.

Having as many dynamic features as possible, such as tagging, XML sitemap creation, redirects, and more, may save you time while also protecting your site and code and keeping everything stable.


The interaction and coordination between SEO specialists and site developers are critical.

SEO is based on best practices for technical SEO as well as other factors such as enterprise scaling of on-page content.

Developers that grasp SEO fundamentals may contribute significantly to good cooperation and SEO performance.

Furthermore, it can lead to more efficient website creation work and less re-work or “SEO-specific” upgrades and demands.

Alexia Barlier
Faraz Frank

Hi! I am Faraz Frank. A freelance WordPress developer.