Tips To Improve eCommerce Website In Order To Increase Sales

Tips To Improve eCommerce Website In Order To Increase Sales

Do you want to increase sales in your online store? From beginning to end, there are some key areas that need to be addressed. When it comes to increasing eCommerce sales, it can be difficult to know where to focus, what to change, and how an optimized site should function.

The following nine steps will definitely result in incremental sales:

Ingenious Use Of The Invading (And Often Annoying) “Pop Up”

You will typically receive a pop-up as soon as you arrive on many e-commerce (and non-e-Commerce, for that matter) websites. While others are purely promotional, some, like privacy compliance, are essential.

As long as you abide by some fundamental rules of common sense, pop-ups can function quite effectively:

  • Even if you have a native mobile app for shopping, you don’t necessarily need to ask each visitor to your website to download it right away.
  • Never demand that someone complete a survey the moment they arrive at the website. Await their departure, or until they finish their purchase.
  • Make it valuable to the visitor if you want to collect an opt-in email. A quick purchase reward will almost immediately satisfy them.
  • Make certain that you do not use the types of pop-ups that can cause problems. A recent Search Engine Journal post on pop-ups goes into greater detail.

Site Search Observance

When a user enters a search term into your website, they are clearly expressing their desires. Ensure that you are paying attention and acting appropriately.

To make sure that your customers have a positive experience with site search, follow these simple guidelines.

  • Examine the queries on a regular basis to learn about the most popular searches.
  • Use the most popular query to see the search suggestions and ensuing results, (especially when a new product is added to the shop).
  • Make merchandising, promotion, and product decisions based on the search query data. Remember, your visitors are telling you exactly what they want, so respond and profit accordingly.

Relevance of Cross-Sell

This is a significant one that is frequently overlooked. Making a relevant suggestion that triggers an impulse addition to a planned purchase is the simplest way to increase your AOV (average order value).

These will be displayed in the following ways throughout the purchasing process:

  • A lot of people watched.
  • Purchases made by similar customers.
  • You might also be interested.
  • Items that are related.
  • Items that complement this.
  • Considering it is a good idea

Site Performance

This should go without saying: fast sites are good. Slow websites are bad. Make sure any apps you use aren’t slowing down the site if you’re using a hosted platform (like Shopify or BigCommerce) for your online store, and always check that your image sizes aren’t causing load times to be unacceptably long.

Your hosting plan will have a significant impact on how quickly your site loads overall if you’re using a non-hosted platform (such as Magento or Woo-Commerce). Check that you have the right plan, data, and resources in place to ensure that your site’s speed is optimal.

Page Listing of Products

The experience you provide your customers when they view the product listing page could mean the difference between them adding an item to their shopping cart and leaving the site entirely.

Sorting By Default And Available Options

Is the listing page arranged in chronological order?

What are the best-sellers? The cheapest price?

What is most important? Featured Products? Trending?

Consider what makes the most sense to the user as a default setting and how visitors will want to sort your product selection in other ways.

Filters for Sorting

This is all about making sure you have the right product attributes for customers to filter through.

Size, color, style, price, rating, release date, compatibility, and so on are examples of this.

The characteristics you require will vary depending on what you’re selling, but keep in mind how customers perceive the product.

In this case, keyword research and site search data can be useful.

Timelines for Availability and Delivery

This is important, especially now.

In an age of supply chain issues and product scarcity, availability frequently takes precedence over price.

If you have it in stock and ready to ship right away, you’ve just increased your chances of making the sale.

Make sure your e-commerce store is set up to show customers stock availability and delivery estimates prior to purchase.

Product Information Page

What information can your customer use to determine whether a product is the best option for them?

Make a list and start executing.

Here are a few pointers to help you optimize your product detail page.

  • Case scenarios should be used.
  • images of the product from every angle.
  • Zooming into an image is possible.
  • Overview video.
  • A/R knowledge.
  • Inventory, stock status, and delivery schedule
  • Q & A.
  • Reviews that are moderated.
  • Detailed specifications..

The most important takeaway here is to consider what is important to your customers and include it.

Consider a simple item such as a shirt.

Customers may be concerned with issues such as:

  • Instructions for cleaning (dry clean, machine, hand wash, separately, cold hang dry, etc.).
  • Materials.
  • Origin country.
  • Environmental friendliness/sustainability
  • Manufacturing that is ethical.
  • Care for wrinkles.
  • Flammability.
  • Size guide.
  • Dyes. \sEtc.

Note; It’s important to note that the list of shirts above is neither exhaustive nor universal. If you’re selling a low-cost t-shirt with a silly slogan, the audience will care about something very different than if you’re selling a high-end top.

The Purchasing Cart

Shopping carts will either confirm your customers’ decision and encourage them to move forward or this will cause them to second-guess themselves.  

Here are a few strategies to help reduce the customer’s anxiety:

  • Make an easy path back to the product detail page so the customer can research any details that are required.
  • The return policy is crystal clear and customer-friendly.
  • Pricing/savings clarity Again, don’t assign a math problem to the customer.
    Options for fulfillment are clear and flexible (For example Ship to home, ship to store, pick up in-store).
  • Cross-sells that are relevant (see #3).
  • Create an abandoned cart program in which a logged-in customer receives an email if a product is left in a cart for X number of days. An effective ecommerce website design ensures that these elements are seamlessly integrated to enhance user experience and increase conversion rates.

Alexia Barlier
Faraz Frank

Hi! I am Faraz Frank. A freelance WordPress developer.