Suicide Squad 2 Full width slider by Layout 20

1.Suicide Squad 2 poster
Suicide Squad 2 Harley Quinn
Suicide Squad 2 Peacemaker
Suicide Squad 2 Blood Sport
Suicide Squad 2 Colonel Rick Flag
Suicide Squad 2 Captain Boomerang
Suicide Squad 2 King Shark
Suicide Squad 2 Polka Dot Man
Suicide Squad 2 Amanda Waller
Suicide Squad 2 The Thinker
Suicide Squad 2 Ratcatcher 2
Suicide Squad 2 Savant
Suicide Squad 2 Weasel
2.Suicide Squad 2 poster 2

Settings Used

Slider Settings: Responsive Slider – Responsive, Slider Orientation – Horizontal, Panel Links –  OFF.

Autoplay Settings: Auto Play – ON,  Autoplay Speed –4000ms, Autoplay Direction – Normal,  Autoplay Action on hover – Pause.

Panel and Page Settings:  Columns in Grid- 3, Rows in Grid- 5, Start Panel- (-1), Open Panel On – Hover, Close panel on mouse out – ON, Distance between panels – 0px, Opening Panel Duration – 700ms, Closing Panel Duration – 700ms, Page change Duration – 500ms, Page change Animation effect- Swing, start page- 0, Panel Shadow effect- ON.

Navigation Settings: Respond to Mouse Wheel – OFF, Mouse Wheel Sensitivity – 50 Sensitivity, Mouse Wheel Target- Panel, Respond to Keyboard- ON, Respond to Keyboard Only On Focus – ON, Keyboard Target- Panel,  Respond to Touch Swipe – ON, Touch Swipe Sensitivity- 50 Sensitivity,

Text Settings: Show/Hide Text Content over Slide- ON, Content Background- White, Content Corners, Text Content Position- Bottom-left, Text Horizontal Position- 0px, Text Vertical Position – 0px, Text content width-  auto, Text content height- auto, Show Animation Direction- Right, Show Animation Duration- 500ms, Hide Animation Direction- Right, Hide Animation Duration- 500ms, Slide Title on closed panel – OFF.

Fancy Box Settings : Fancy/Light Box on Slides- ON.

Video Settings:  No video Settings used